
«VBA» Trade Group – one of the leading manufacturers of soft packing and transportation products – polypropylene containers Big-Bag, as well as inserts for the transportation of bulk goods in open-top wagons and marine containers.

We manufacture Big-Bags of almost any configuration. They may be with the load capacity of from 500 to 2000 kg, may be equipped with a discharge and/or loading valve or apron, may be of single-use or multiple-use, may be equipped with polyethylene inserts of different thickness. Big-Bags, depending on the customer's requirements, they have different options of lifting elements placement. Our products may be used for any type of bulk goods: agricultural and metallurgical products, minerals and chemical products, food products and animal feed, waste products and rubbish, salt and sugar, construction materials and bio-fuel and other bulk materials.

The most popular big-bags models for certain products are stated below.

Please contact our experts regarding the prices for products.

For fertilizers

Биг-Бэг под удобрения, 1 тонна

For grain and seeds

Биг-Бэг под зерно, 1.2 тонны

For the press cake, soybean/
sunflower cake

Биг-Бэг под семена, 1 тонна

For biofuel

Биг-Бэг под пеллеты, 1 тонна

For compound feed

Биг-Бэг для карьеров, 1 тонна

For mines

Биг-Бэг для карьеров, 1 тонна

During the manufacturing of Big-Bags we use polypropylene fabric of leading domestic and foreign manufacturers, which is made with addition of special additives. Such additives slow down the polypropylene destruction process under the influence of ultraviolet, which significantly reduces the risk of loss of goods during the prolonged storage outdoors.

When choosing Big-Bag you shall consider the operating weight of container, bulk density of goods loaded into container, transportation peculiarities, degree of desired protection of goods from the environmental exposure.

Selection of fabric density depends on the amount of loads of Big-Bags, loaded by materials, mode of transportation (by wagons or motor transport) and also depends on the customer's desire to protect himself from the loss of goods. The higher the density of fabric, the stronger the Big-Bag and the harder it is to damage it in case of force majeure as follows:

  • catch on sharp angles of wagon (or other structures);
  • drop from the height;
  • friction on wagon;
  • exceeding of the maximum load capacity, etc.

It shall be noted that the fabric density also affects the price of Big-Bag – the higher the fabric density, the higher the cost of Big-Bag.


Parameters of Big-Bags

Lifting elements united with container cower, or sewn slings
Number of lifting elements one, two, four
Nominal volume from 0.3 till 2 m3
Load capacity from 500 till 2000 kg
Fabric density from 110 till 200 g/m2
Presence of polyethylene insert at the request of the customer
Loading height as per order
Bottom dimension 75x75 cm, 80x80 cm, 90x90 cm, 92,5x92,5 cm, 100x100 cm and other options
Additional structural elements* top and bottom of the container at the wish of the customer
Application of logo flexography
Pocket for documents at the request of the customer


*Additional features and performance options for the container:

 The top of the container 

1 loop 2 loops 2 loops with apron
 1 loop 2 loops 2 loops, apron 
4 loops 4 loops with apron 4 slings open
4 loops 4 loops, apron 4 slings  
4 slings with apron 4 slings with cover 4 slings with valve
 4 slings, apron 4 slings, cover   4 slings, valve

The bottom of the container

Blind bottom Star bottom
Blind bottom “Star” bottom
Unloading valve Unloading bottom
Unloading valve Unloading bottom
Round bottom Rund bottom with
Round bottom Round bottom, valve


Basic advantages of the use of Big-Bags:

  • Protection of goods from the precipitations and from the contact with the surface of container, wagon.
  • Reduction of loss of cargo at all handling stages.
  • Saving of time for loading and unloading of bulk materials.
  • Saving of money for the storage and transportation of goods.
  • Variety of models and a wide scope of use.

Production capacity of «VBA» Trade Group provide means for flexographic overprint on soft packing (logo and company name, product information, contact information), which increases the brand recognition and protects it against counterfeiting.

Our experts will help you make the right choice of Big-Bag and find the best options for you with all the features and your preferences.




Big-Bag one-loop

Big-Bag one-loop

1 loop, blind bottom

Big-Bag one-loop

Big-Bag one-loop

1 loop, unloading valve

Big-Bag two-loops

Big-Bag two-loops

2 loops, blind bottom

Big-Bag two-loops

Big-Bag two-loops

2 loops, “Star” bottom

Big-Bag two-loops

Big-Bag two-loops

2 loops, loading valve, “Star” bottom

Big-Bag two-loops

Big-Bag two-loops

2 loops, unloading valve

Big-Bag two-loops

Big-Bag two-loops

2 loops, loading and unloading valves

Big-Bag two-loops

Big-Bag two-loops

2 loops, cover and unloading valve

Big-Bag two-loops

Big-Bag two-loops

2 loops, loading apron, unloading valve

Big-Bag four-loops

Big-Bag four-loops

4 loops, blind bottom

Big-Bag four-loops

Big-Bag four-loops

4 loops, unloading valve

Big-Bag four-loops

Big-Bag four-loops

4 loops, loading apron

Big-Bag four-loops

Big-Bag four-loops

4 loops, loading apron and unloading valve

Big-Bag four-slings

Big-Bag four-slings

4 slings, blind bottom

Big-Bag four-slings

Big-Bag four-slings

4 slings, loading apron, unloading valve

Big-Bag four-slings

Big-Bag four-slings

4 slings, loading and unloading valves

Big-Bag four-slings

Big-Bag four-slings

4 slings, loading apron, blind bottom

Big-Bag four-slings

Big-Bag four-slings

4 slings, loading valve, blind bottom

Big-Bag four-slings

Big-Bag four-slings

4 slings, cover, blind bottom

Big-Bag four-slings

Big-Bag four-slings

4 slings, cover, unloading valve

